
Their story

With over six decades of experience, Al Faliro Pastry is a pioneer in local-class oriental sweets and western sweets for sweets enthusiasts in Egypt. Active in the food and beverage category, they offer products such as oriental pastries, tulumba, basbousa, and western sweets made with premium quality ingredients.

Their Goal

Alfaliro wanted to connect with a wider audience, grow awareness to drive conversions, and encourage more sales of its whey products. Increase conversion from ad campaigns with the help of silver screen digital expertise.


Paid reach: 658,427 People
Paid Impressions: 1,540,691 Total
Conversion Rate: 2.84 %
Return on advertising spend - ROAS: 245.63
This means that for 1 EGP spent in ads , Alfaliro  get 245.63 EGP in Revenue

  • Client
    Al Faliro Pastries - حلواني الفاليرو
  • Budget
  • Duration

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